I’m priced off the road because of my age | Insurance


I am curious to know whether my experience of being priced off the road by insurance companies on account of my age (92) is shared by other readers. I am lucky enough to be in excellent health with no disabilities and have never had an accident. I was insured through Age UK, but I have just been informed by their insurer that they will not renew my insurance, with no reason given (thanks, Age UK). I have been offered alternative insurance by three other insurers for £2,900, £3,600 and £7,000 respectively, from which I infer that some if not all of these rates are not based on actuarial evidence.

The RAC opposes routine testing of older drivers (although it does recommend eye tests), as is done in many other countries, which means that older people can go on driving if they can afford it, regardless of their individual level of competence. The number of people over 90 who are driving in the UK is rising steadily – last year there were 134,000. Is this to be another area of life where money is all that counts? Perhaps the law will only change when a few MPs have been hit by less well-off over-90s driving without insurance.
Colin Leys

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